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Youth Tour

Youth Tour Photos


More than 1,800 students from all across America take part in the Youth Tour experience each year, and so can you! Travel to Washington, D.C. where you will meet your U.S. Representative and Senators. This unique trip will give you the opportunity to watch history come alive as you explore the museums, memorials and monuments with students from your state. You will meet student leaders from nearly every state and hear dynamic leaders on Youth Day. Bottom line, you will make friendships that will last a lifetime and be part of a group that has more than 50,000 alumni in every walk of life including U.S. Senators and CEOs.
Learn more about NRECA's Youth Programs

Roughrider Electric will sponsor one student for the 2025 Youth Tour.

Youth Tour How To Apply

Write a winning essay by January 17, 2025.

To enter the essay-writing contest, you must: 

  1. Be enrolled as a high school sophomore or junior during the 2024-25 school year.
  2. You and your parents or guardian must be served by Roughrider Electric Cooperative.
  3. Essay is not to exceed two standard 8½- by 11-inch typewritten, double-spaced pages on this topic: 


Why is it important to be involved in your community, and how does that prepare you to be a future leader?

  1. Submit your essay in hard copy or electronic format to Roughrider Electric. Electronic submissions should conform to the two-page, double-spaced guideline described above. Include a cover page with your name, date of birth, school and grade in 2024-25, parent or guardian’s name, address and telephone number.

The deadline January 17, 2025. Emailed entries should be directed to, and hard-copy entries should be mailed to:
Youth Tour Essay Contest
Roughrider Electric Cooperative 
800 Highway Dr. 
Hazen, ND 58545-4737

If you have a question, contact Brad Quenette at 800.748.5533.

Youth Tour Poster

Youth Tour Poster

Youth Tour Washington, D.C. Video

Youth Tour Photos 2023

Youth Tour Collage