Overhead Single Phase Service:
We will hang the meter loop during construction. Once the socket is tied in, electricians must provide a wiring certificate and notification that the service is ready to be metered and energized.
Underground Single Phase Service:
- Meter Socket on a building: Electricians provide their own socket, according to our specifications. See our list of part numbers below. Once the socket is tied in, electricians must provide a wiring certificate and notification that the service is ready to be metered and energized.
- Meter Socket on a stub pole: We will install and wire the socket when we build the rest of the service. Electricians must tie in the secondaries, provide a wiring certificate and notify us when it's ready to be metered and energized.
Overhead Three-Phase Service:
We will hang the meter loop during construction. Once the socket is tied in, electricians must provide a wiring certificate and notification that the service is ready to be metered and energized.
Underground Three-Phase Service:
CT Metered: Electricians provide the meter socket, CT enclosure and secondary wiring between the metering and transformer, according to our specifications. See our list of part numbers below. Electricians install a CT enclosure and run the line between the secondary side of the transformer and the CT meter enclosure. CT meters should be placed within 10 feet of the transformer. Roughrider will wire the CT enclosure and place the CT’s in the cabinet. The CT cabinet (CT enclosure) must be a separate unit from the meter socket, which is to be placed next to the CT cabinet. No dual-unit meter and CT enclosure units will be allowed.
All CT Cabinet Wiring:
All single phase and three phase CT cabinets will be wired with line side connections on the top lugs and load side on the bottom lugs. Any service not wired this way will not be energized and the wiring will need to be connected correctly before it will be energized. Roughrider Electric will not be liable for any expense incurred to correct the wiring.
Across the Line Metered:
- Meter Socket on a building: Electricians provide their own socket, according to our specifications. See our list of part numbers below. Once the socket is tied in, electricians must provide a wiring certificate and notification that the service is ready to be metered and energized.
- Meter Socket on a stub pole: We will install and wire the socket when we build the rest of the service. Electricians must tie in the secondaries, provide a wiring certificate and notify us when it's ready to be metered and energized.
What are Roughrider’s regulations on when to use a CT meter versus an across the line meter?
Any service over 200 amps, single or three phase.
Who provides the meter socket?
Who furnishes the CT enclosure/CT meter can?
The electrician.
Who provides the termination points (lugs) in the CT enclosure?
The Electrician.
Does Roughrider have specification on the size or dimensions of the CT enclosure/CT meter can?
No. All we require is that the enclosure be large enough to accommodate the amperage size of your service.
Who provides the conduit wiring?
The electrician.
Who provides and places the CT’s in the CT cabinet?
Roughrider does.
Who will do the wiring in the CT enclosure?
Roughrider will.
Will Roughrider do the wiring for all metering?
Who lands the secondary conductors to the transformer?
The electrician installs the secondary wire.
Will the secondary lugs be provided in the transformer?
Yes, Roughrider will give the lugs.
What kind of time frame does it take to get the service hooked up?
As soon as the CT cabinet (if necessary) and meter socket are in place and a wiring certificate is in, Roughrider will get the meter hooked up. We do our best to install a meter within a week of receiving the wiring certificate.