Report an Outage:

Call 800-748-5533 24/7 to report an outage or other safety concerns.

Heat Meter Breaker:

Heating season is here! Please turn on your heat meter breakers to get full heat credit for electric heat used.

Operation Round Up


Roughrider Electric Cooperative members have the opportunity to take part in Operation Round Up.

Americans formed electric cooperatives across the nation in the 1940s. Since then, we have dedicated ourselves to improving the quality of life for people in our service area.

One of our successful community service efforts is the Operation Round Up program. Through Operation Round Up, we round up a participating member's electric bills to the next highest dollar. For example, a member's monthly bill of $52.73 would round up to $53.00, with the extra 27 cents going to the Operation Round Up fund. We are able to donate roughly six dollars for each participating member annually. We then give that pool of money to a variety of worthy causes throughout our service area. It totals about $40,000 per year!

The idea for Operation Round Up began at Palmetto Electric Cooperative in Hilton Head, S.C., many years ago. Co-op leaders there saw a need to help communities and started the fund. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have helped many people over the years. And it's all with accumulated "change" on each electric bill.

Operation Round Up is successful because of the generosity of our members. The Operation Round Up foundation board has two directors from each district and one at-large member. They are a seven-member board.


Current Board Members:

Ila Perhus (President)

Amanda Cook (Vice President)

Jodi Johnson (Secretary)

Cheryl Roshau (Treasurer)

Bill Gelsinger

Sue Cahoon

Phyllis Grosz


With 8,000 Roughrider Electric Cooperative members, the money raised makes a big difference. We have distributed $724,000 since inception in 2002. Worthy charities, needy individuals, and service organizations in our service area have all benefited. The foundation board meets twice a year to review applications and disperse funds. Deadlines for applications are July 1 and January 1. Examples include area fire departments, ambulance squads, schools, non-profit projects and other non-political projects.

By just adding up a few cents each month, our consumers can contribute to many worthwhile causes.

We encourage all members to take part in Operation Round Up and see the results your small donation will help generate. By giving a few cents each month, Roughrider Electric Cooperative members are making a big impact. The foundation board, the cooperative board and staff thank you for your participation.

The program is voluntary. Call us, or send an e-mail to if you do would like to participate in this wonderful program.

Would you like to apply for funding?

Online Operation Round Up Application
Lego League Hazen

Hazen Lego League - 2023  Recipient

2024 Operation Roundup Recipients

Belfield Parks and Rec - Baseball Field Construction

Badlands Art Association - Portable Display Monitor

Market of Ideas/marketplace for Kids Inc. - Support Mfk Education Day at Dsu

Beulah Lions Club - Playground Equipment

Injured Military Wildlife Project of Nd - Distribute Bison and Elk Meat to Veterans

Hazen Baseball Booster - Training Machine Caddy

Hill Top Heritage Foundation - Tilt Wheelchair

Home on the Range - Safety Furniture

Northern Lights Gymnastics Academy - Competition Floor

Coal Country Animal Rescue - Help With Daily Animal Needs

Youthworks - Support for Anti-trafficking in Dickinson

Hazen Public Library - Egress Windows

Badlands Ministries - New High Ropes Equipment - Jag Rescue

Center Community Pool - Pool Refurbish

BSA Eagle Scout Project - Kolton Kupper - Materials to Build Expanded

Metal Tables for Kiwanis Park

Gladstone Consolidated Fire District - New Tender Tank Fire Truck

Ukranian Cultural Institute - Security System

Trinity Catholic Schools - World Globe for Geography Lessons

Mercer County Historical Society - Sidewalk Addition

Swdhu - Wic Breastfeeding Program - Materials for Mothers

Dunn County Sheriffs Office - Little Support Dogs

Belfield Booster - Potable Water and Water Heater in Concession Stand

Stark County Council on Aging / Elder Care - Home Delivered Meal Trays