Report an Outage:

Call 800-748-5533 24/7 to report an outage or other safety concerns.

Heat Meter Breaker:

Heating season is here! Please turn on your heat meter breakers to get full heat credit for electric heat used.

Budget Billing

Would you like to be able to average your electric energy payments? Budget Billing can help!

Roughrider Electric Cooperative's Budget Billing program is a monthly payment plan that allows members to have an average payment each month.

The member must have been with Roughrider for at least twelve months to establish a credit and usage history. The budget amount is determined by the previous 12 months total billing, then divided by 12. Roughrider Electric Cooperative reserves the right to change the monthly bill at any time, shoud the member's usage go in excess of the estimate or if the electric rate increases.

All Budget Billing accounts will be recomputed on the June billing. The monthly bills will be the same equal billing except for the month of June when any balance of $10.00 or more will be adjusted.

Any and all policies will be compiled with and enforced as though the member were not a part of the Budget Billing program.

Members failing to make the required payments on a timely basis may be dropped from the plan.

Interested in learning more about budget billing? Contact our billing department. 800.748.5533